While watching an Orpheus production, you can see exactly where your donations are going. Your $500 covered fabric for four costumes. $1250 bought the plywood for a set. $1400 allowed you to hear at least three performers by giving them microphones. Quite simply, without your generous donations, we would not be able to continue providing you with high quality, community musical theatre as we have for the past 118 years! But there's so much more that you don't see.

Your donation sustains our home for rehearsing and building the productions. It provides the tools and equipment, and ensures the safety of all. Your support helps to provide ongoing training and development for all at Orpheus to improve their skills and quality of productions on stage. It provides the community a shared space to experience the positive impact of the arts. Your contribution can make the difference in the life of a young, budding artist who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity for free or low cost arts education. Altogether, it is thanks to your generosity that Ottawa has a cultural home enriching the life of the community.

Wherever your donation lands, it is most certainly making a difference in the lives of many, including the audience as it maintains high quality theatre at reasonable prices.

Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more.

Orpheus Musical Theatre is a not-for-profit arts organization and registered charity in compliance with the Canada Revenue Agency. Orpheus Musical Theatre Charitable Business Number: 11907 0415 RR0001 

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$1.00 from Member365 in 123B, Ontario

$5.00 from Danica

$25.00 from Bob in Embrun, Ontario

$25.00 from Tanya in Ottawa, Ontario

$25.00 from Jacob Ross in Ottawa, Ontario

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